Office of Strategic 订婚

Expanding 皇冠投注’s impact through local, 国家, and global partnerships.

Large green grass lawn on 皇冠投注's campus with concrete sign of 皇冠投注 University

Engaging 皇冠投注 Beyond Campus

皇冠投注 University’s Office of Strategic 订婚 (大阪证交所) serves as the central connection point and collaborative hub for community engagement and organizational partnerships. 大阪证交所 is focused on building mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships with corporations, 基金会, community and neighborhood organizations, education partners, 和地方, 状态, and federal government. Structurally aligned with 皇冠投注’s Office of the President and Office of Strategy and 创新, 大阪证交所 is purposefully positioned to facilitate efficient and productive collaboration between 皇冠投注 University and our organizational partners.

Our Priorities

aerial view of the indianapolis canal with skyline of indianapolis behind it


皇冠投注 University is situated within the heart of Central Indiana’s business community, and co-develops solutions with corporate partners to achieve both immediate and long-term success through new market-aligned educational programs and innovative 人才-development solutions. We are uniquely positioned to offer a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to partnerships that ensures our partners maintain a competitive edge and achieve their goals.

male and female students in blue t-shirts painting a wall


皇冠投注 University is an anchor in the heart of Midtown Indianapolis, surrounded by historic and thriving neighborhoods. 皇冠投注 is a proud and committed partner with the community, serving non-profits and faith-based organizations, 和地方 neighborhood associations whose missions enhance the quality of life for our residents. We are particularly interested in partnering with community organizations that support community development, education 访问ibility, and/or underserved youth.

aerial view of the Indiana 状态 house


皇冠投注 University is committed to working closely with our elected officials and government entities to advocate for policy in support of education, sustainability, 访问, and innovation.

female college student assisting an elementary school student with coursework


As an innovative higher learning institution, 皇冠投注 is deeply committed to lifelong learning and forging new partnerships and pathways within P-12 schools, post-secondary institutions, and workforce-based training organizations.

several outstretched arms of various skin tones with hands on top of each other


皇冠投注 University partners with several impactful 基金会 to develop innovative solutions to society’s most pressing challenges. We are committed to bringing together resources, 人才, and innovation to positively impact our local, 国家, and global community.

皇冠投注 University 订婚 Request

Organizations can connect with 皇冠投注 University through the Office of Strategic 订婚. Fill out the information below and someone from our team will be in contact with you.

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